Bernie Wan Kanobi

After the brazen voting fraud displayed in the New York Primary, it was a foregone conclusion that the Clinton Machine would pull out all the stops to cheat their way to victory on the April 27 “Super Tuesday”  (It seems like Super Tuesdays are becoming more frequent than “Trials of the Century.”). The signs were all there in Pennsylvania that the same criminal behavior Hillary’s minions practiced in the Big Apple would be on display in PA: forged absentee ballots, hacked electronic voting machines, mysteriously purged voter rolls.  Yesterday, one county alone had 900 registered Democrats “missing” on election day; another district had Hillary Clinton handbills on prominent display inside the polling place–that was caught on video–and the poll workers refused to remove the deceptive ads, which were made to look like paper ballots.


Queen Hillary’s coronation seems virtually assured, at least that is what all the corporate media pundits keep telling us.  In her arrogance, however, Wall Street Hillary, when asked whether she would meet the Sanders people “halfway” and adopt some of their reform agenda, shut down any talk of compromise.  She wants Sen. Sanders to bend the knee and pledge unquestioned allegiance to her and turn over her forces, “for the sake of party loyalty.”

You would think, at the very least, that by now Hillary and her Corporatist lackeys would have grasped what the Sanders Campaign is all about, even if they hated what it stood for.  While we all admire Bernie Sanders for his integrity and honesty, he has not attracted the mass following that he has simply on that alone.  Nor can his popularity be attributed to his charisma or youthful good looks.  No: first and foremost, people have responded to his message of reform and progress.

Bernie Sanders agenda is not just about breaking up the big banks and bringing the Banksters to account for their crimes: but also to create more & better paying  jobs; taking money out of the election process and protecting voting rights; stopping the TPP and repeal the other phony free trade deals that have savaged our economy; universal health care; strengthen and enlarge Social Security; free public university education; rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure; make primary and secondary public education public again and not a “profit center” for corporations; end the “Prison Industrial Complex” and stop imprisoning minority groups for petty infractions of the law; the list goes on and on.  As Bernie has emphasized over and over, this is not about one person or one election.  It is about a fundamental reform of America, a nation which has been ravaged by the bad economics of the GOP and their DINO allies in the Democratic Party ever since the 1980’s.

Occupy Deathstar
Occupy Deathstar Protesters


Hillary Clinton’s greed for Corporatist money is only exceeded by her lust for power.  Her and the DINO establishment, who have lost far more elections than they have ever won, cannot fathom, it seems, that Bernie Sanders is running on principles, not for personal gain.  Even if he were to sell out his ideals, simply for some political appointment, his mass movement will not troop along dociley and tow the Corporatist line, as Hillary and the other corrupt Establishment Dems want.

Help Us Bernie-wan

While there are still several primaries to go and it is still important for every reform minded individual to still turn out and vote for Bernie, we all need to recognize that the Sanders candidacy is not the end, but the end of the beginning (as Churchill once put it)!

Mark my words, there is a bitter convention fight looming, not for the nomination, but for the reform planks that Sen. Sanders advocates to be put into the Democratic Platform.

Wall Street Hillary’s backers do not want any genuine reforming of the financial system, or of the corrupt electoral process that they control, not to mention any of the other Progressive planks we so desperately need enacted.  The DINO’s will fight tooth and nail to keep any real and meaningful reform planks out of the platform.  Hillary wants nice sounding nostrums, to be sure; and she will promptly betray even those if elected. But any serious and sincere programs of Progressive reform, reforms that the American electorate could get behind? Oh No, God forbid that her real constituency, the 1% that is in currently in control of both parties, should be offended by the Democratic Party Platform.

Delacroix Liberty at the Barricades
La Lutte Continue!


After the Democratic Convention, whatever its outcome, all those who have united behind the banner of Bernie Sanders must realize that the real work, the real struggle, the real campaign, has only just begun.





The Empire struck back yesterday.  They will continue to do so all through this electoral year and beyond.  Through all of their evil machinations in BOTH parties, remember, we are a Rebel alliance, not just one man and not just one race.

The Rebel Alliance needs YOU!


There will be other battles ahead and new Jedi Gekkai of all ages, races, genders and creeds will be needed to succeed.  Perhaps even new political parties will be needed to break the stranglehold that the Corporatists have on on our nation–on the world–and if that is what it takes, that is what it takes.  The Republican Party, which was once a party of social justice and economic reform, was begun by handful of idealists gathering in a one room schoolhouse.

Fighting Bernie

The road is long, the road is hard, but the destination is worth the effort.

Yoda & Darth HILLARY








The Force of Progress be with you.


Hillary Message
Hillary Clinton will grant you an audience for a mere $353,400

Clear your social calendar folks, on April 15–the day us little folks sweat over getting their tax returns in–venture capitalist Shervin Pishevar, who you may know better for his “Uber for Jetliners” fame, will be hosting a humble little shindig for Goldwater Girl Hillary Clinton.  While Shervin is hosting the soiree, the real celebrities raising money for Hillary Clinton’s campaign will be George and Amal Clooney, who are big supporters of the Hill.

It is one of those affairs where, if you have to ask the price, you can’t afford it; but since everybody but EVERYBODY with a net worth over $10 Mill will be there, we will let you in on the ticket prices anyhow.  For the top tier tickets, which includes sitting at the head table with former Walmart Board Member Hillary and Hollywood royalty, it is a mere  $353,400 a ticket, and that includes Slick Willie as well as Slick Hillary, so you see it is a bargain indeed–why its like having your own Goldman Sachs speech event!

Now for the hoi polloi who can only come up with $100 grand per person, why they will let you into the “Host Reception” which still features the Clintons and the Clooneys.  It is economy class but, what the hey, some of the glamour may yet rub off on you

But lest you think this is just for the One Percenters, the Clintons –always thinking of the little people,–will for a mere $30,000 cash in hand, will let you have your photo taken with Her Majesty Hillary.  After which the bouncers will grab you by the scruff of the neck and eject you out the back door, and please don’t scuff the steps as you tumble down them.

Hey! Que sa dice!

Now, in all fairness, all this is perfectly legitimate and legal and both billionaire Pishevar and the Clooneys are no doubt sincere and dedicated in their support of Hillary Clinton.  Unlike the vote rigging in Arizona, or the insider sabotage in Massachusetts, or the odd discrepancies in exit polls vs recorded vote in a number of Hillary’s wins, this is all on the up and up and legal.

But compare this with the Sanders fundraisers: $27 from a housewife here, $10 from a college graduate up to their ears in student loan debt, smaller change from a kid’s piggy bank.  The populist and plebian nature of the Sanders campaign contrasts sharply with that of Hillary’s diligent courting of Wall Street and the Billionaire Class.  Oh, by the way, Queen Hillary still won’t reveal the text of her speeches made before Bear Stearns and other Bankster Wall Street firms.

Hillary and I will make you an offer you can’t refuse. Capish?


Now, interestingly, the money she is raising from all these well-heeled West Coast types does not go directly into her campaign coffers–she has plenty of special interest and PAC money for that.  No, Ms. PAC Woman will be giving the largesse from this exclusive tea party to The Hillary Victory Fund, which will in turn dole out money to the DNC and assorted state party groups, ostensibly to help get a full slate of Dems elected to Congress this fall.  This is indeed a worthy goal; but if you don’t think that all that money going to party stalwarts isn’t going to grease the palms of “Super Delegates” to assure they vote for Hillary, regardless of what their state’s voters want–well, I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.  And you won’t have to pay $353,400 for it.

As for the Bay Area party-goers, no doubt a few precious minutes with Bill and Hill may be worth the price of admission to some without any quid pro quo, but what do you want to bet that, having kissed the Godfather & Godmother’s rings, once they assume the throne in the White House, these millionaire and billionaire acolytes will be coming around for favors?  Hey, Yo! I got an offer youse can’t refuse!

George and Amal Clooney have been sincere and dedicated supporters of human rights and more recently of the refugee rights of those who have been forced to flee the horrific war in Syria.  This is not to question their honesty or sincerity: but are they aware that it was none other than Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who goaded President Obama to directly intervene in Syria with the goal of regime change to start with?  Or that her other hawkish interventionist policies as both Senator and Secretary have been equally disastrous?  And we won’t even get into her covert support of murder squads in Central America.  America and Obama are far better off with Kerry as Secretary of State, although the damage hawkish Hillary has done can’t be undone.

Much of the blame for the refugee crisis can be laid directly at the perfectly pedicured feet of Wall Street Hillary.  Her blunders as Secretary of State have been carefully overlooked by the mainstream media, since she touts her foreign affairs expertise as her main claim to fame; yet her record in that sphere is awful, even without the GOP fabricating lies about it.

For more on this exclusive Billionaire Bonanza, read the Gawker article or see the Secular Talk spot on it.

Don't Forget the Cannolis
And Don’t Forget the Cannolis!



Bernie gets a Dove; Hillary gets the Bird

Why is this man smiling? Guess.
Why is this man smiling? Guess.

It is apparently harder to rig caucus results than primaries, since they are based on people actually showing up and registering their views on the condidates. Hence Bernie Sanders Easter Saturday Sweep.

Washington and Alaska have gone solidly for Bernie Sanders, fulfilling expectations that, once the Dems got over canvassing the solid South, the weight of popular opinion would shift inexorably to the Sanders campaign.

Of course, as usual, the corporate media have done their best to downplay the results and keep emphasizing Hillary Clinton’s lead, but the truth is that without her political machine manufacturing false wins through electronic hacking, she would not now be the frontrunner, even with the deep South solidly behind her. Discrepancies between exit polls and electronic vote tallies in Massachusetts, Illinois, Missouri and now massive vote rigging in Arizona, have all put a cloud over the Democratic Party’s establishment and their stop-at-nothing to get Wall Street Hillary as their standard bearer.

Despite all the Republican bellyaching over Trump, the truth is that the other GOP candidates in the clown car are no better and when he takes the candidacy (or else) like good little clones all the party stalwarts and mindless voters will line up behind Umpa Lumpa Trumpa and vote for him. In contrast, the Democrats pin all their hopes on a record turn-out to overcome the Republicans vote suppression tactics. But while that strategy will work with Bernie Sanders at the helm, Hillary Clinton simply cannot generate the enthusiasm and idealism necessary to succeed.

In too many primaries this season, voting irregularities favoring Goldwater Girl have occurred.  Can her vote hackers outsmart Karl Rove's GOP voter hackers this fall?
In too many primaries this season, voting irregularities favoring Goldwater Girl have occurred. Can her vote hackers outsmart Karl Rove’s GOP voter hackers this fall?

The Democratic Party abandoned the rural states and abandoned the blue collar workers and let the Republicans savage Unions for decades; Gays got marriage equality thanks to the Ultra-Conservative Supreme Court (think about that one for a minute) and so they will not turn out in large numbers; there is no Black Hope running for the White House, so don’t expect the kind of turnout among them that we saw in 2008 and in the deep South, where Hillary did so well in the primaries, it is guaranteed that the GOP will keep as many Blacks from voting as possible.

Yes, Hillary will get the party stalwarts, some of them; she will get the aging 70’s women’s libbers who will vote for her because simply because of her gender and ignore her Wall Street connections and her support of Honduran murders squads. But millennial women and progressive females who seem to be paying close attention to what the candidates really stand for and will do, are going to vote for Sanders in large numbers but are unlikely to turn out for Goldwater Girl.

The Corporate Media wants us to believe it is a done deal with Wall Street Hillary (CNN’s parent company is one of her biggest contributors, surprise, surprise) but perhaps a higher power has different ideas about the 2016 Election, as witnessed at the Sanders Rally recently in Portland: Sanders Portland Rally. We shall see.

Bernie is visited by the dove of peace; Hillary and Wall Street get the bird.
Bernie is visited by the dove of peace; Hillary and Wall Street get the bird.